Fitness classes

Looking for a great way to exercise your dog in a fun atmosphere?

At Wag That Tail, we created a circuit training program to keep your dog in shape. Our fitness classes are designed by our physiotherapist and canine rehab therapist. Each exercise specifically targets strengthening, flexibility or proprioception. Each exercise targets a different body part or limb. During the class, you’ll move from one station to the next (circuit training). This allows your dog to work on different skills at each station. We change the stations every week to keep it interesting. 

You don’t need specific skills or knowledge to join the class. Just bring treats to encourage your dog to try the different stations! These classes are meant for any dog and owner. The fitness level of your dog doesn’t matter, beginners and sport dogs are welcome! You’ll be working individually with your dog on each station, we can easily modify the station to adapt to your dog’s comfort level.atms

Our canine fitness class runs on Mondays (7pm) , Tuesdays (7pm) and Wednesdays (6pm). You can sign up online through our booking system or email us at to reserve your spot.

Classes are starting May 1st, May 2nd or May 3rd, 2023 for 5 weeks. They are outdoors. In case of bad weather, the class will be pushed back one week. 

Classes are bilingual.


150$ + tax for 5 weeks

***Prices are for our 2023 season***

More classes coming mid-June 2023